Tax lawyer
Pilar is a tax lawyer, with more than 10 years of experience in Brazilian taxation, both in litigation and consultancy, always in boutique law firms. She dealt with some of the challenges and specificities of Brazilian taxation, including its unique Municipal VTA and Contributions that might have special impacts on international transactions. Before joining HHP, she had focused her practice on cross-border situations involving individuals.
Consolidated academic career in Brazil
Pilar also has an equally consolidated academic career in Brazil, with many academic and lay public articles published, and the conduction of many research projects with a current focus on international tax issues. Since 2014, she has been teaching at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. She also has contributed to third-sector institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB – and the Women in Tax – Brazil. Besides that, Pilar writes for relevant tax journals, is an experienced lecturer, and is used to approaching situations from an interdisciplinary perspective. She has the academic and practical background to write legal opinions considering the relevant risk and strategic choices in place.
International experience
After a consolidated career in Brazil, she decided to have international experience, first she qualified herself with a Master’s in International and European Taxation at the prestigious Maastricht University. After being Van den Hurk’s trainee, she was invited to join HHP’s International and European Team. Since then, the team has been exploring the impacts of BEPS on international and European taxation, with extra attention on how it can affect LATAM countries.
Nowadays, she and Hans are writing a book about Treaty Shopping measures from a practical perspective.